Love Alchemy Coaching            

People work with me because they know deep down they are meant to do something extraordinary with their lives.

People come to me...

-To work through anxiety and traumas from childhood

-To find their purpose

-To heal relationships

- To heal their bodies and minds

-To heal addictions from alcohol, drugs, porn, shopping, cosmetic surgery etc.

-To forgive others and free themselves

-To get over relationships

-To call in divine partners

-To find their dream job

-To learn how to manifest and so much more...

-To heal disease in the body

-To lose weight

-To gain clarity

-To learn to turn on their superpowers

-To take their lives back and feel good inside and out

-To remove money blocks

-To gain their health back

-To gain well-being

...and so much more

I help people get clear on who they are using Human Design, and other modalities like Emotion Code, Hypnosis, NLP and Past Life Regression Therapy if necessary.  We can also heal the body of various diseases by getting to the root of what is playing over and over in the mind.  We find the unconscious root patterns and weed them out with Life affirming affirmations.  I also help clients work through their struggles by learning the radical responsibility principle and how we attract certain people in our lives from where we are at in our evolution. Once we learn this we take our power back into our hands and life becomes fun.  I have clients from all walks of life with various degrees of finances. What they experience after working with me is freedom in all areas of their lives. 

If you are ready here are some questions you may be asking yourself?  

-Who am I?  

-Why am I here?

-What is my purpose?  

Welcome to the waking up process.  I am here to aid you in this process of integrating yourself into this new life.  If you have deep desires to change your life and to live the life you desire then you have come to the right place.  When you feel the emotion so deeply in your core, the universe will follow through for you.  That is also the reason you have been directed here.  I am an empowerment coach, a light leader, here to help humanity move through the waking up process.  I have a series of steps to firstly bring you into an awareness of Self-Love.  Everything begins with that simple yet important step.  Then we will go through deep-rooted core beliefs that are holding you back and weed those out.  Then we begin to reprogram the neutrons in the brain to remind you of your true self, your highest self which is perfect, whole, and one with everything.  Then they will learn to design and create the life of your dreams and to start living it.  Ready is not a feeling it is a decision.  There is no greater investment than the one you make in yourself.

Charmaine Hamp Carino 
Love Alchemy Life Coach/Mentor, HypnoBirthing® Coach/Full Spectrum Doula,, Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Teacher.  Serving clients in the Los Angeles Area.

The main goal of Love Alchemy Life Coaching is to get you to a place where you are experiencing this life to the fullest.  You will learn to design and create the life that you desire, finding joy, and existing as a balanced internally loving person others will want to emulate.  You will gain tools, and you will learn to use them efficiently, and the wisdom to see what may be holding you back (core-beliefs). If you have interest we will look at health and what is at the root of any ailments in the body. The body and the mind work in tandem so when we can clear blocks of the mind we can empower our health.  

The work is specific to you and what you would like to address and then we proceed from there. 

Schedule your free 30 min CONNECTION session if taking your life to the next level sounds exciting to you.

Price package: $3333.00

for a 3 Month container. 

12 PRIVATE- 1hr-1.15hr sessions.

TEXT access included during normal business hours Monday-Friday 9-5pm PST.