Congratulations, you are pregnant! What a miracle!  Did you ever imagine you can have an easy birth, with preparation and HypnoBirthing skills?  Well you can, just as hundreds of thousands of woman have done too.

In pregnancy your childbirth education class will be one of the most important decisions you can make.  The more prepared you are, the more enjoyable and rewarding the experience can be.

HypnoBirthing has been around for over 30 years and is in over 40 countries. You don't run a marathon without training! Why would you give birth without empowering yourself with the tools to make it the best experience of your life?

HypnoBirthing® is a technique that helps the mother prepare for birth physically, mentally, and spiritually.  Deep relaxation, self-hypnosis, special breathing techniques, visualization, affirmations and education prepare the parents for an easier, more comfortable peaceful arrival of their newborn. 

With the HypnoBirthing classes you will receive your own personalized meditation to listen to for your easy birth, as well as Hypnosis tracks, and the HypnoBirthing® book.  The power of the mind and suggestive meditations create a loving relaxed environment for mom, dad and baby! 

Hypnobirthing classes are now on line due to Covid.

Class runs for 4 weeks.

Cost includes book, rainbow relaxation, and affirmation CD, plus a personalized meditation for your birth. 

Inquire about privates or if you have any questions, don't hesitate to call 323-217-4399

 Jessica Alba talks about her HypnoBirthing Experience on the Ellen Show!  Click the link!

What is Hypnobirthing?

Charmaine Hamp Carino 
Love Alchemy Life Coach/Mentor, HypnoBirthing® Coach/Full Spectrum Doula,, Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Teacher.  Serving clients in the Los Angeles Area.

Testimonials:  What Parents are saying about HypnoBirthing® Classes and

Doula Services:

"Our angel. That's how I’ve described Charmaine since the moment we met her. We were blessed enough to have met Charmaine from the moment of conception. When the universe aligns, she really brings the most precious of blessings. Charmaine guided me through every emotion, every fear, and was the peace I needed when our son decided to make his arrival at 34 weeks.
The night my water broke we were on a zoom call, she felt in her spirit Grizzly would be coming earlier than we thought, so she recommended we finish our hypnobirthing course that night – 4 hours later I went into pre-term labor!! With all the emotions that came, I felt an immense amount of peace. All the learning and un-learning that hypnobirthing equips you with truly does play a massive role in the arrival process. 7.5 hours of labor, deep breathing and trusting in our birthing team our son entered the world: calm, healthy, strong and I was able to grab him immediately and bring him to my chest. Present, joyful and in pure bliss. Anyone can hire a doula. But Charmaine isn’t JUST a doula. She is a beacon of light, a true vessel of God, she is truly living in her divine essence giving families the gift that God blessed her with. We could not recommend her enough. You and your family will be in the best of care when you partner with Charmaine." Myia Hernandez

"Charmaine! Five stars does not do justice..10 stars, 100 stars and more. She gently, lovingly and steadily helped me internalize HypnoBirthing in such a personal and attuned way. Working with her I felt like the whole world revolved around me, my family and my baby. In her care, my fears gently dissipated and I found myself experiencing and committing to my own deep innate ability to birth–which I did, at home with her by my side. She believed in me when I couldn’t, every birthing person deserves to have Charmaine by their side in their journey." Angelina

"I cannot recommend Charmaine enough! From our very first meeting, she made me feel completely at ease and confident about my pregnancy and birth journey. She was always available to answer any questions I had and provided invaluable emotional and physical support throughout my labor and delivery.
She went above and beyond to ensure that I felt comfortable and supported every step of the way. I am so grateful for her presence during the birth of my child and will always cherish the memories of that experience.If you are looking for a birth doula who is knowledgeable, compassionate, and dedicated to helping you have the best birth experience possible, look no further. I wholeheartedly recommend Charmaine to anyone who is pregnant and in need of support." Mae

"I can't thank you enough for everything - birth was so amazing.  Total 6 hours ( 3 hours of which I didn't know I was in active labor) baby Julian was out within 3 hours of me losing my mucus plug.  Got to the hospital 10 cms dilated and baby was out in an hour.  He is a DREAM! Gave mama the best pregnancy, then worked with her to have the calmest labor and is a complete angel baby now that he is here. " Irina

"We got SOOOO much out of your class.  Your class empowered us to speak confidently with the medical staff and to advocate for ourselves.  We found ourselves in a situation that required us to be confident and firm in our preferences and because of your tutelage Atlas was able to continue to grow inside Jackie for two extra weeks.  That situation alone rendered the class invaluable. For that we are very grateful. Additionally, we became so much more informed about the birthing process and led us to think of the birthing process in a completely new way. I often tell people that it helped us to see and acknowledge the spiritual aspect of childbirth.  Our paradigm is completely shifted and we've carried that mindset into our parenthood." Pete

"YOU ARE OUR SUPERHERO!!!!! Words can't describe how much we appreciate all that you did for our welcoming Wylder into this world. " Walyon Broussard

"We arrived at the birth center 9.5 cm dilated so relaxed.  It worked.  The hypnosis worked. I am so ecstatic that I had the birth experience I wanted for myself and for Levi. There were so many people in my life leading up to his birth that didn’t understand or were fearful of my choice to give birth outside of a hospital and without medication, so I felt especially proud of myself for not allowing their fears to affect me."  Daniella Dowling

"I will never be able to thank you enough.  You are our Angel! Thank you so so so so so so much for supporting me and loving me.  You knew exactly what I needed and I never had to ask!  I can't wait for you to bond with our angel.  Thank you for being with us, you are amazing." Myia Hernandez
" We couldn't have done it without you.  You played a huge role.  And thank you for serving us with your gifts!  We were commenting last night after everything, excuse my language but Myia said, Charmaine is such a badass!!  I could only agree.  I said yeah, she's tapped in. "  Sway Navarro

"LOVE LOVE LOVE LOOOOOVE YOU!!!! We COULD NOT have done this without you!  You're a profound energy and presence, which is such a gift! Thank you (understatement) for helping us bring our son into the world!!! Always always sending our love!!!" Asia Tabor

Mom said "You are my hero!" Dad said, "Speaking of superhero we can't stop talking about how you saved the day." Mother of Birthing mom said, "Just wanted to sincerely and deeply say thank-you for your amazing support.  My daughter said you were wonderful.  I truly appreciate EVERYTHING you have given of yourself.  I am eternally grateful.  It was a long labor.  THANK YOU, THANK YOU CHARMAINE!!! You are a silent hero I appreciate and admire.  Keep up your marvelous work.  Blessings always. " Anne and Pete, and Mama

"Charmaine I celebrate you from the highest peaks...I celebrate your talents, your huge heart, your brilliant intuitive creativity, your sacred magic, your devotion, your humor, your friendship, partnership and deliciously perfect timing.  Thank you for walking the path with me to a perfect birth, hand in hand and heart to heart.Through this positive perfect birth that you coached me through...I have been born again myself. Thank you for bearing witness, for holding me so tightly in our sacred space and giving everyone permission to do the same, for showering me with praise and love every step of the way.  You are forever part of the story of our lives. " Ang

" It was a gift to have you with us at the birth!  We can’t thank you enough for your love and support throughout the process." John Dubois

"I wanted to tell you again how much you meant to me!! I honestly couldn't have lasted as long without you. Thank you so much Charmaine.  River is soooo chill.  The chillest baby!  So it hasn't been as hard as we were expecting, only enjoyable. Thank you for everything.  Now that I did that I feel like I could do anything. " Jessie

"Thank you for inspiring our innate wisdom.  We are so thankful that Elliott got to pick her birthday and birth path.  Bottom first, intervention and drug free, less than 8hrs labor from start to finish.  We couldn't have done that without you. Thank you again for all your help " Jessica Winter

"Thank you for suggesting and giving us the knowledge and power to create a successful birth. Thank you for guiding and supporting us with your whole heart every step of the way. " Austin Davis

"Thank you for everything.  After 26 hours of labor I cracked from the pain and got the epidural, when I couldn't feel my legs I had a panic attack but my HypnoBirthing again helped calm me down and I delivered a 11 pound baby vaginally.  We probably would have had a c-section if it wasn't for HypnoBirthing." Alexandra Porter

"Thank you for all your help!! We both are so glad we found you and HypnoBirthing, it really helped us to have the birth experience we wanted! " Sherri Jones
"31 hours of Labor, no epidural.  Ethan is beautiful and healthy and we are doing well.  Thank you so much for your wisdom, your support and your heart.  We couldn't have done it without you."  Christine Stave

"Thanks Charmaine for all your help.  We went into labor 2 days ago.  It was long but the HypnoBIrthing exercises helped.  It was a natural unmedicated birth which was amazing.  Our little girl is healthy and super alert and I'm recovering just fine.  Again thank you for all your help, you are amazing. " Aysha Fatima
"Thank you Charmaine for everything. You really helped me get through it.  Thank you so much for the Hypnosis track you made us too..  It really helped me achieve a fast, calm birth.  You really saved me and guided me."  Topaz Yehezkelof